one of a class of speculative treatises in Sanskrit literature, 1805, from Sanskrit upa-nishad, literally "a sitting down beside." From upa "near to" (see up (adv.)) + ni-shad "to sit or lie down," from ni "downward" (from PIE *ni-, see nether) + -sad "sitting," From PIE *sed- (1) "to sit" (see sedentary).
1. The fairly long Chhandogya - upanishad develops the idea of transmigration of souls.
2. The Bhagavad Gita refers to itself as an Upanishad.
3. The Katha - upanishad, through the story of Nachiketa, discussed death and the permanence of the soul ( Atman ).
卡塔奥义书, 通过尼兹卡塔的故事, 论述了死亡与灵魂 ( 生命的本源,自我 ) 的持久性.
4. The Isha - upanishad emphasizes the identity of the human soul with the divine soul.