3325英语网 英语单词



英式发音:[kən'tɪnjuːd] or [kən'tɪnjud] 美式发音

    (adj.) without stop or interruption; 'to insure the continued success of the war'; 'the continued existence of nationalism'; 'the continued popularity of Westerns' .




  • She is stouter, too, and altogether improved, continued Miss Rosalind, who was disposed to be very fat. 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • I continued to live at the Cross of Gold. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 小杜丽.
  • Why, you silly man, she continued, where do you suppose I got them? 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • Yes, he continued, after some turning over of pages, he was paid last on May 20th. 阿瑟·柯南·道尔. 福尔摩斯归来记.
  • Only the first of the Han monarchs continued the policy of Shi-Hwang-ti against the _literati_. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • All the following day the same scene continued. 玛丽·雪莱. 最后一个人.
  • This purpose continued as you wove it? 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 维莱特.
  • The fighting continued through three days. 尤利西斯·格兰特. U.S.格兰特的个人回忆录.
  • The real reason lay in the reluctance which Mr. Holmes has shown to the continued publication of his experiences. 阿瑟·柯南·道尔. 福尔摩斯归来记.
  • But this is not all, continued the Colonel. 哈里特·威尔逊. 哈里特·威尔逊回忆录.
  • As for you, Amy, continued Meg, you are altogether too particular and prim. 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特. 小妇人.
  • Since that, continued Ebrington, I have heard of nothing but Harriette Wilson wherever I went. 哈里特·威尔逊. 哈里特·威尔逊回忆录.
  • Yes--refused, Rebecca continued, with a sad, tearful voice. 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • You are very diligent at that sewing, Miss Caroline, continued the girl, approaching her little table. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪莉.
  • I wish continued success to the labours of the Royal Society, and that you may long adorn their chair; being, with the highest esteem, dear sir, &c. 本杰明·富兰克林. 富兰克林自传.
  • I'm glad you think it good sport, brother, she continued, groping wildly through this amazement. 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • At least he would return and see, before he continued what seemed to be a most fruitless quest. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 人猿泰山.
  • At least in some families, Rebecca continued. 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • He continued to bet on his own play, but began often to fail. 乔治·艾略特. 米德尔马契.
  • For hours the fury of the storm continued without surcease, and still the tribe huddled close in shivering fear. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 人猿泰山.
  • As soon as they were gone, he continued in a low tone. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 艰难时事.
  • The conversation, thus turned on Adele, continued till we reached the light and cheerful region below. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 简·爱.
  • The pursuit was continued until after dark. 尤利西斯·格兰特. U.S.格兰特的个人回忆录.
  • Thirdly, Account for that propensity, which this illusion gives, to unite these broken appearances by a continued existence. 戴维·休谟. 人性论.
  • Such were the gentle murmurs of Mrs. Bennet, and they gave way only to the greater distress of Mr. Bingley's continued absence. 简·奥斯汀. 傲慢与偏见.
  • But as long as they strikes out'ards, sir,' continued Sloppy, 'they ain't so much. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 我们共同的朋友.
  • You must have been aware, continued Sir Thomas presently, you must have been some time aware of a particularity in Mr. Crawford's manners to you. 简·奥斯汀. 曼斯菲尔德庄园.
  • Marianne slowly continued It is a great relief to mewhat Elinor told me this morningI have now heard exactly what I wished to hear. 简·奥斯汀. 理智与情感.
  • They may pledge and make pledge,' continued he, scornfully; 'they nobbut make liars and hypocrites. 伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔. 南方与北方.
  • And, continued Joe Scott, Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪莉.
