3325英语网 英语单词



英式发音:['ɪgn(ə)r(ə)nt] or ['ɪɡnərənt] 美式发音

    (adj.) uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field; 'she is ignorant of quantum mechanics'; 'he is musically illiterate' .

    (adj.) uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; 'an ignorant man'; 'nescient of contemporary literature'; 'an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues'; 'exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions' .

    (adj.) unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge; 'he was completely ignorant of the circumstances'; 'an unknowledgeable assistant'; 'his rudeness was unwitting' .




  • Can we suppose that he is ignorant of antiquity, and therefore has recourse to invention? 柏拉图. 理想国.
  • These good people were absolutely ignorant that their land contained that which was quite as valuable as a gold-mine. 阿瑟·柯南·道尔. 福尔摩斯历险记.
  • You are ignorant. 欧内斯特·海明威. 永别了,武器.
  • In Middlemarch a wife could not long remain ignorant that the town held a bad opinion of her husband. 乔治·艾略特. 米德尔马契.
  • He was mentally the new thing in history, negligent of and rather ignorant of the older things out of which his new world had arisen. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • Vain, ignorant, idle, and absolutely uncontrolled! 简·奥斯汀. 傲慢与偏见.
  • But if you are really innocent and ignorant, I must be more explicit. 简·奥斯汀. 傲慢与偏见.
  • How very serious--how very solemn you look: and you are as ignorant of the matter as this cameo head (taking one from the mantelpiece). 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 简·爱.
  • I am not ignorant that old Mr. Ablewhite has the reputation generally (especially among his inferiors) of being a remarkably good-natured man. 威尔基·柯林斯. 月亮宝石.
  • God knows I can't contradict you, Cary; I'm as ignorant as a stone. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪莉.
  • I am ignorant what may become of me very soon, how poor I may be, or where I may go. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 远大前程.
  • Even at this day the ignorant denizens of the neighboring country prefer not to sleep in it. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
  • Troubled as the future was, it was the unknown future, and in its obscurity there was ignorant hope. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 双城记.
  • After that reply had reached her, she was at the end of her resources, and perfectly ignorant where else to inquire or what else to do. 威尔基·柯林斯. 白衣女人.
  • They were ignorant, idle, and vain. 简·奥斯汀. 傲慢与偏见.
