3325英语网 英语单词



英式发音:['lækɪŋ] 美式发音

    (adj.) nonexistent; 'the thumb is absent'; 'her appetite was lacking' .




  • Their bodies were smaller and lighter in color, and their fingers and toes bore the rudiments of nails, which were entirely lacking among the males. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星公主.
  • But just this perception is lacking in many propagandists. 沃尔特·李普曼. 政治序论.
  • The birds use their vocal cords to beautiful advantage in singing, far surpassing us in many ways, but the power of speech is lacking. 伯莎M.克拉克. 科学通论.
  • Because, however much he might mentally WILL to be immune and self-complete, the desire for this state was lacking, and he could not create it. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯. 恋爱中的女人.
  • He found them all greatly lacking in economy of operation; indeed, the highest results obtainable from the best were 18 per cent. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • They are compelled, so to speak, to have physical gifts because they are lacking in social gifts. 约翰·杜威. 民主与教育.
  • Such a situation can be saved only by an immediate outrush of feeling; and on Selden's side the determining impulse was still lacking. 伊迪丝·华顿. 快乐之家.
  • Some stringed instruments give forth tones which are clear and sweet, but withal thin and lacking in richness and fullness. 伯莎M.克拉克. 科学通论.
  • Lacking qualitative distinctions, nature lacked significant variety. 约翰·杜威. 民主与教育.
  • Lacking a philosophy they are defenceless against their own inner tendency to sink into repetition. 沃尔特·李普曼. 政治序论.
  • This report, however, was very meager and lacking in any profusion of mechanical detail. 佚名. 神奇的知识之书.
  • Such knowing is depreciated, if not despised, as purely utilitarian, lacking in cultural significance. 约翰·杜威. 民主与教育.
  • What was there lacking about that program to make it perfectly irresistible? 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
  • Upon its arrival from Grand Rapids, in the fall of 1893, lacking a more suitable place, the motor was brought direct to my home and set up in the kitchen. 佚名. 神奇的知识之书.
  • He gave, at any rate, no sign of resenting it and seemed prepared to supply in his own manner all the ease that was lacking in hers. 伊迪丝·华顿. 快乐之家.
