n. the birds collectively of a region its avifauna.—adj. Ornith′ic.—ns. Ornithich′nite (geol.) the footmark of a bird found impressed on sandstone &c.; Ornithodel′phia the lowest of the three sub-classes of mammals same as Monotremata—from the ornithic character of the urogenital organs.—adjs. Ornithodel′phian (also n.) Ornithodel′phic Ornithodel′phous; Or′nithoid somewhat ornithic.—ns. Ornith′olite (geol.) the fossil remains of a bird: a stone occurring of various colours and forms bearing the figures of birds.—adj. Ornitholog′ical pertaining to ornithology.—adv. Ornitholog′ically.—ns. Ornithol′ogist one versed in ornithology or who makes a special study of birds; Ornithol′ogy the science and study of birds; Or′nithomancy divination by means of birds by observing their flight &c.—adjs. Ornithoman′tic; Ornithoph′ilous bird-fertilised; Or′nithopod Ornithop′odous having feet like a bird.—ns. Ornithorhyn′chus an animal in Australia with a body like an otter and a snout like the bill of a duck also called Duck-bill; Ornithos′copy observation of birds or of their habits; Ornithot′omy the act of dissecting birds.