3325英语网 英语单词



英式发音:[ˌprɪnˈses] or [,prɪn'sɛs] 美式发音

    (noun.) a female member of a royal family other than the queen (especially the daughter of a sovereign).




  • And what, think you, may have been the fate of the princess, Dejah Thoris? 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星公主.
  • Where is the Princess of Helium? 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • Napoleon, thwarted of a Russian princess, snubbed indeed by Alexander, turned to Austria, and married the arch-duchess Marie Louise. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • But worst of all, the door leading to the pits where I had hidden my Princess was ajar. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • The long habit of rapid transitions made it easy for her to exclaim to the Duchess: Why, I thought you'd gone back to the Princess! 伊迪丝·华顿. 快乐之家.
  • The Princess's guard fought nobly to the end, but they were soon overcome and slain. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • Now, near the Palace where this Princess lived, there was a cottage in which there was a poor little tiny woman, who lived all alone by herself. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 小杜丽.
  • I am here in the interest of Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium, to discover the whereabouts of Dejah Thoris, our princess. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星公主.
  • So the Princess said, I never will betray you. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 小杜丽.
  • I am from Than Kosis, I replied, and wish to speak privately with Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星公主.
  • Our son is there, and the soldiers of Helium, fighting for the Princess of Helium. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • No longer may you call me your princess. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星公主.
  • But I am not dead, my princess. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星公主.
  • I love only the Princess of Helium, I replied quietly. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • To this awful fate the creature within my power had condemned my Princess. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • But in spite of the comical red imps, sparkling elves, and the gorgeous princes and princesses, Jo's pleasure had a drop of bitterness in it. 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特. 小妇人.
  • And what good could his wife get, he urged, by making curtsies every night to a whole circle of Princesses? 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • Assyrian princesses (a daughter of Esarhaddon, _e. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • He treated the Persian princesses with the utmost civility. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • No person dined with the queen but the two princesses royal, the eldest sixteen years old, and the younger at that time thirteen and a month. 乔纳森·斯威夫特. 格列佛游记.
  • The places of the outer world and the temples of the therns had been robbed of their princesses and goddesses that the blacks might have their slaves. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • All the neighbouring Princes, Princesses, and Grandees were invited to the feast. 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • I was brought up, from my earliest remembrance--like some of the princesses in the fairy stories, only I was not charming--by my godmother. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 荒凉山庄.
