3325英语网 英语单词



英式发音:['praɪvət] 美式发音

    (noun.) an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the Army or Marines; 'our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value'.

    (adj.) concerning things deeply private and personal; 'private correspondence'; 'private family matters' .

    (adj.) confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy; 'a private place'; 'private discussions'; 'private lessons'; 'a private club'; 'a private secretary'; 'private property'; 'the former President is now a private citizen'; 'public figures struggle to maintain a private life' .




  • Entering the open passage, she tapped at the door of the private parlour, unfastened it, and looked in. 托马斯·哈代. 还乡.
  • This thrown open, admitted him to his own private apartment of three rooms: his bed-chamber and two others. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 双城记.
  • Such companies, therefore, commonly draw to themselves much greater stocks, than any private copartnery can boast of. 亚当·斯密. 国富论.
  • By degrees the anarchy finds a way into private houses, and ends by getting among the animals and infecting them. 柏拉图. 理想国.
  • Both the private father and the Father of the Marshalsea were strong within him then. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 小杜丽.
  • The relation of this affecting incident of private life brought master and man to Mr. Perker's chambers. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 匹克威克外传.
  • You haven't seen my private expense book yet. 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特. 小妇人.
  • What is prudence in the conduct of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. 亚当·斯密. 国富论.
  • The overt act charged in the indictment was a libel found in his private study. 本杰明·富兰克林. 富兰克林自传.
  • Since then the revolver has become a great weapon in both private and public warfare. 威廉·亨利·杜利特. 世纪发明.
  • You have reminded me, Sir, that this conversation was private--private and confidential, gentlemen. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 匹克威克外传.
  • Private enterprise, therefore, so far from bothering about the public need of housing, did nothing but corner and speculate in rents and sub-letting. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • It was to protect private property that the Revolution began. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • One day in private, the two young gentlemen had had a difference. 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • A private sitting-room having been engaged, bedrooms inspected, and dinner ordered, the party walked out to view the city and adjoining neighbourhood. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 匹克威克外传.
  • Some of the higher officers were little better than the privates. 尤利西斯·格兰特. U.S.格兰特的个人回忆录.
  • Men were put to work getting out timber to build huts, and in a very short time all were comfortably housed--privates as well as officers. 尤利西斯·格兰特. U.S.格兰特的个人回忆录.
  • So many could receive the pay of non-commissioned officers of the various grades, and the remainder the pay of privates. 尤利西斯·格兰特. U.S.格兰特的个人回忆录.
