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  • Orders were shouted, but it was too late to save the giant propellers, and with a crash we rammed them. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • It was coming from the left and they could see the round disks of light the two propellers made. 欧内斯特·海明威. 丧钟为谁而鸣.
  • Then it began to rise, moving straight ahead again for three or four hundred feet, the propellers picking up their former rate. 李贝. 西洋科学史.
  • He saw the twin circles of light where the sun shone on the propellers as they came. 欧内斯特·海明威. 丧钟为谁而鸣.
  • We could hear the men working on the broken propellers, and from the port-hole we could see that the vessel was drifting lazily toward the south. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • The earliest, most successful demonstrations of screw propellers and paddle wheels in steam vessels in the century were the construction and use of a boat with twin screws by Col. 威廉·亨利·杜利特. 世纪发明.
  • At the end of one minute and twenty seconds the propellers began to slow down owing to the exhaustion of fuel. 李贝. 西洋科学史.
  • In screw propellers, Woodcroft in 1832, and Griffiths at a later period, made valuable improvements. Edward W. Byrn. 十九世纪发明进展.
  • She had two propellers on the same axis, but revolving in opposite directions, one being on the central shaft and the other on a concentric tube. Edward W. Byrn. 十九世纪发明进展.
  • Side wheel steamers for inland waters, and screw propellers for sea service, however, in time established their fitness for their respective scenes of action. Edward W. Byrn. 十九世纪发明进展.
  • Like a bolt from a crossbow my splendid craft shot its steel prow straight at the whirring propellers of the giant above us. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • Presently our downward motion ceased, and I could hear the propellers swirling through the water at our stern and forcing us ahead at high speed. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • John Stevens applies twin Screw Propellers in Steam Navigation. Edward W. Byrn. 十九世纪发明进展.
  • After a few minutes the propellers ceased their whirring. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • Wilbur Wright, at the rear, turned the propellers and started the motor. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • When they found that they could not use the figures that had governed the construction of marine propellers they set to work to solve this problem in the same thoroughgoing way. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • The whole apparatus--steel frame, miniature steam engine, smoke stack, condensed-air chamber, gasoline tank, wooden propellers, wings--weighed about twenty -four pounds. 李贝. 西洋科学史.
  • The Deutschland is of 35,640 horse power, her two bronze propellers are 23 feet diameter, and weigh 30 tons, and her propeller shafts are 25 inches in diameter. Edward W. Byrn. 十九世纪发明进展.
  • But these, wide-finned in silver, roaring, the light mist of their propellers in the sun, these do not move like sharks. 欧内斯特·海明威. 丧钟为谁而鸣.
