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英式发音:[skɪnd] 美式发音

    (adj.) having skin of a specified kind .




  • Gerald looked at him, and with a slight revulsion saw the human animal, golden skinned and bare, somehow humiliating. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯. 恋爱中的女人.
  • He held something in his two hands that looked like a freshly skinned rabbit and hurried across the corridor with it and in through another door. 欧内斯特·海明威. 永别了,武器.
  • I said, with withering irony, that it was sufficient to be skinned--I declined to be scalped. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
  • They were white-skinned, full, muscular legs, handsome and decided. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯. 恋爱中的女人.
  • A skinned man would be likely to look that way unless his attention were occupied with some other matter. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
  • She is always mighty gentle with her young baronet, mighty tender for his feelings, forsooth, and of his very thin-skinned _amour propre_. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪莉.
  • His nose was skinned and there was dust on the bloody patch and dust in his hair. 欧内斯特·海明威. 永别了,武器.
  • Who is not familiar with the chipped flint arrow-heads that the farmer so often turns up with his plow as a relic of the period when Americans were red-skinned instead of white? 佚名. 神奇的知识之书.
  • He was dark, and smooth-skinned, and full of a stealthy vigour. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯. 恋爱中的女人.
  • The golden-haired, white-skinned therns battling with desperate courage in hand-to-hand conflict with their ebony-skinned foemen. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星战神.
  • Really, by the side of Sir James, he looks like a death's head skinned over for the occasion. 乔治·艾略特. 米德尔马契.
  • Donne was thick-skinned. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪莉.
  • If I could be skinned, and come white, I'd try then. 哈丽叶特·比切·斯托. 汤姆叔叔的小屋.
  • We find a wavy-haired, fairish, hairy-skinned race, the Ainu, in Japan. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • Gudrun was very beautiful, passive, soft-skinned, soft-limbed. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯. 恋爱中的女人.
  • There were old and young, brown-skinned and yellow. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
  • He looks like a skinned rabbit with a puckered-up old-man's face. 欧内斯特·海明威. 永别了,武器.
  • They were tall, muscular, and very dark-skinned Bedouins, with inky black beards. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
  • Loerke turned to Gerald, a devilish leer on his bright-skinned face. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯. 恋爱中的女人.
  • The scenes depicted for the most part, a fair-skinned, fair-haired people at play. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯. 火星公主.
  • On December 12, 1901, a quiet, dark-skinned young man sat, about noontime, in a room of the old barracks building on Signal Hill, near St. John’s, Newfoundland. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
