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小学生作文习作·昆虫 An Insect


小学生作文习作·昆虫 An Insect

小学生作文习作·昆虫 An Insect

蜻蜓 Dragonfly

Look at the insect. It flies here and there. It's small but handsome. It has a small head. It has a thin body. It has a long tail. It has four long and light wings. It has six legs. It flies low when it's going to rain. What is it?

It's a dragonfly.




1.small but handsome 虽小但漂亮

2.It flies low when it's going to rain. 当天要下雨时,它飞得很低。

美丽的蝴蝶 A Beautiful Butterfly

Look!That's a beautiful insect. It is butterfly. It has got a head, a long body and six legs. Its wings are colorful. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and many other colours. It can fly in the sky. Some butterflies are kind to people, but some butterflies are harmful.

Do you like butterflies?




1.many other colours 其他许多颜色

2.Some butterflies are kind to people, but some butterflies are harmful. 有些蝴蝶是益虫,而有些是害虫。

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