3325英语网 英语写法




A sum of money


一笔款───A sum of money


We've allocated a sum of money to education.───我们已经拨出了一笔教育经费.

He paid a sum of money as a compensation for the loss in the fire.───他付了一笔钱作为这次火灾损失的补偿.

He is saving a sum of money to buy a home for his family.───他正积蓄一笔钱以便买一幢住宅供全家居住.

He deposits a sum of money in the bank each month.───他每月在银行存一笔钱.

He can't command so large a sum of money.───他不能支配这样大笔的款子.

One is randomly chosen to propose how a sum of money, known to both, should be shared between them; only one offer, which must be accepted or rejected without negotiation, is allowed.───一人被随机挑选出来,提出双方都知道的一笔钱应该如何分配;只允许有一个报价,必须被接受或拒绝,没有谈判。

Could I withdraw a sum of money beforehand against my credit card?───请问我能凭我的信用卡提前支取一笔钱 吗 ?

We have earmarked a sum of money for scientific research.───我们已经特别指明该项拨款作为科研费用.


He paid a sum of money as a compensation for the loss in the fire.

He is requested to make do with a sum of money.

She came in for a sum of money when her father died.

Increase or decrease a sum of money by a given percentage.

Such a calculation is unlikely to produce a sum of money anywhere near the true cost of disturbance.
