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The Caspian Sea is the deepest salt lake


里海───Caspian Sea;咸水湖───salt water lake


The Caspian sea is one of the smallest sea in the world.───里海是世界上最小的海之一。

Peter the Great expands territory beyond the Euro mountains along the Caspian Sea at the expense of the Turks.───彼得大帝越过欧洲山脉,沿着里海扩张领土,牺牲了土耳其人的利益。

Potentially huge oil also lie underneath the Caspian Sea.───在里海的底部存在了巨大的石油能源.

The Volga River and the Ural River discharge into the Caspian Sea.───伏尔加河以及乌拉尔河都有流入里海.

Finally the Polos reached the Persian town of Saba, to the south of the Caspian Sea.───最后,波罗一行到达了波斯国的席巴城, 该城位于里海以南.

After September 11 , the Caspian Sea drew more and more attention because of its abundant oil reserves.───“9·11”事件之后, 作为可以取代中东石油供应地的中亚里海备受关注.

The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world.───里海是世界上最大的湖.

area North of the Caspian Sea is the most striking example.───里海北部地区就是最明显的例子。


Numerous other routes were also plied throughout the ages, reaching all the way to Samarkand, Tashkent, India, and the Caspian Sea.

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Here were a people with more than 100,000 archers living alongside a great lake, possibly identified as the Caspian Sea.

Azerbaijan borders the Caspian Sea.

Potentially huge oil also lie underneath the Caspian Sea.
