At home?
在家───At home?
At home a crisis was brewing.───家里一场危机正在酝酿着。
I've lived at home up till now.───我一直住在家里。
Afternoons he works at home.───每天下午他在家里工作。
Gov. Palin keeps dumbbells at home, but she says most of her upper body strength comes from snowmobiling with her family.───佩林家里有哑铃,不过她说自己主要是和家人一起玩雪地摩托时锻炼了上肢力量。
Plastic make-up in recent years made some development at home and abroad, and its significant advantages, unmatched by other methods.───近些年来塑型化装在国内国外取得了一定发展,它的优点非常显著,是其它方法不可比拟的。
At last I got a note saying she would be at home on Sunday at four, and with her extraordinary ending.───后来终于收到一张便条,说她定于星期日四时在家,并附有这么一个奇怪的尾言。