The kitchen door is too small to pass
Braving the biting wind, she went out to beg from door to door.───她不顾寒风刺骨, 出去挨门乞讨.
The door squeaked open.───门嘎吱一声开了。
The handle of the door has dropped off.───门把手脱落了.
There was an insistent knock on my door.───我听到一阵急促的敲门声.
The lock on the door is rusty and won't open.───门上的锁锈住了.
Push your hand against the door as hard as you can to make It'shut.───用手使劲推门,把它关上.
Someone knocked on the door, so I went to answer it.───有人敲门, 所以我去开门了.
They stood outside the door.───他们站在门外.