You Dan
游耫───You Dan
I mumbled something like, "Hope you feel better Dan." And I left.───我只是咕哝了一句“希望你快点好起来,丹尼尔”就转身离开了。
You can join them, by following Eckberg and his class as they track the adventures of Dan and Steve Buettner, two world-class bicyclists from U.S.A..───您可以跟随 Eckberg 和他的班级加入他们的行列,他们跟踪来自美国的两位世界级自行车手丹和史蒂夫·布特尼的冒险经历。
You can download the latest Dan Brown novel to your Kindle in even less time than it takes to forget the content.───你可以把丹·布朗的最新小说下载到你的 Kindle 上,所用时间甚至比忘掉内容需要的时间更短。
Ben Wade: I like this side of you, Dan.
She's like you, Dan, that's the trouble.