Expressing positive emotions
Her voice was low and shaky with emotion.───她的声音低沉,因激动而有些颤抖.
Most of those attending the funeral stood silently showing little emotion.───出席葬礼的人大多都面无表情地静静站着。
The girl was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't speak for a moment.───这女孩非常激动,一时说不出话来.
She was so overcome with emotion that she couldn't go on.───她激动得说不下去.
Other groups such as the Church of God conduct their services with much more informality and a greater display of emotion.───上帝会等其他团体做礼拜时不大拘泥形式,情感也就更加外露.
My breast is filled with emotion.───我心情激动.
One young conscript rose with a message of thanks, his voice choked with emotion.───一个年轻的新兵起立致谢,激动得声音哽咽。
True emotion ought not to require overstatement.───真实的感情不应当需要过分渲染。
Her voice was low and shaky with emotion.