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Fried pork


炙煿───Fried pork


The house smelled of fried pork and the mouse-gnawed army blanket on the cot in the corner.───房间里弥漫着炸猪肉的味道,角落里的宿营床上放着一条被老鼠咬过的军毯。

There was also a stir-fried pork and snowpea dish that was a less fatty version of twice-cooked pork.───也有一种猪肉炒白果的菜,是含有比较少的脂肪酸的经过翻炒的肉做成的。

She thinks for just a moment, her eyes full of possibilities, and then whispers two words: fried pork.───她寻思片刻,眼里充满了各种可能性,然后低声说出了两个字:炒猪肉。

It goes as: Fried pork wrapped in lotus leaves, stuffed in a chicken, covered with a thick layer of clay, before being roasted in the oven.───生煎猪肉,包在荷叶中,塞进鸡肚后用厚厚的黏土包裹起来,再放进烤炉中烘烤。

Inside is fried pork n some rice balls da he made for you.───里面是他为妳做的炸猪排+卡通饭团。


Ladle over the sauce, garnish with the fried pork and Sichuan peppercorns and serve at once.

"People don't eat right anymore," said Garcia Garduno "Instead of coming here and purchasing a fruit drink, they prefer to walk across the street and buy fried pork chops.

Inside it was warm with the smell of hot coffee and fried pork.

Crisp bits of fried pork fat ; cracklings .

Food Parings: strong-bodied seafood, stir fried pork or chicken.
