Material level
This piece of material may be cut up to make a pair of trousers.───这块布料可以裁一条裤子.
They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,.───他们发现他们能够剪羊毛 、 纺绒线、织成毛料, 然后把毛料做成暖和的衣服.
They experimented with a new material.───他们用新材料来做试验.
We'll have to make do with the little material we've got.───只好就这块料子做了.
This material is colourfast.───这种料子不掉色.
This material does not dye well.───这料子染不好.
The assay result of that material is rich in iron.───化验结果表明那种物质含铁量丰富.
This material is 45% nylon.───这种材料含45%的尼龙。
Will the colour in this material fade?
You could stuff the chair with this torn material.
This hard-wearing material combines cost effectiveness with quality.
Animals depend on plant material for food. try its best to gather and make good sentences.