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Section 5


第五节───Section 5


Section 5 describes file formats.───第5部分描述了一些文件格式。

Section 5 gives a sample implementation.───第五部分给出了一个简单的实现。

Section 5 was supposed to last until 1970.───Selection 5原定持续生效至1970年。

Here are five of what I consider the best ways to ensure job safety across the largest cross-section of positions.───我认为,以下的5个策略,是确保职业安全的最好方法,它们也广泛适用于各个职位。

The Configuration section has clickable links to refactor the name or namespace of the business object, as shown in Figure 5.───Configuration部分提供用来重构业务对象的名称或名称空间的可单击链接,见图5。

One sister, brother cure 50000 yuan loan from the Bank of thousands of dollars and parental relocation section.───其中有姐姐治病的5万元、哥哥从银行贷的数十万元及父母的拆迁款等。


As noted in Section 5.1.3, financial information is required by planners at the corporate level.

Section 5 renders an agreement made with an unauthorised person unenforceable at the option of the innocent party.

Nor is the offence under section 5 expressed to be committed by the distribution of offensive matter, as opposed to its display.

Please turn to section 5, subsection b.

As we have seen in Section 5.12, isotopic substitution can lead to changes in vibration frequencies.
