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The second day after operation


术后───After operation;第二天───the second day


She is convalescing at home after her operation.───手术后她正在家休养康复。

less than four years after Operation Ceasefire came into effect-there were 31 homicides in Boston, down from 152 in 1990.───年,实施这项“停火行动”还不到四年,波士顿总共有31起杀人犯罪事件,比起1990年的152起有显著的下降。

Sue's back on her feet again after her operation.───休手术后又恢复健康了。

Conclusion: This method is simple, less complications and easy to be accepted hy patients. Nose shape is nature after operation.───结论:本文所述方法简单易行,并发症少,患者容易接受,术后外形自然。

The head of the ATF may resign today after operation called "Fast and Furious" turned deadly for one of its own.───在代号为“速度与激情”的侦查行动近日面临越来越多的公众指责后,ATF高官今天可能辞职。

of course, the fluids can provide energy for you and prevent you front electrolytic imbalances after operation.───当然可以!输入的液体能为您提供能量,还可以预防术后的电解质失衡。


Release ache after operation and speedup the period of recovery.

Barium meals were carried out 3-6 month after operation, no baralymeregurgitation was found upwards intussusception or proximal interpositum jejunum.

Results 8 cases died after operation, 10 cases(14%) occurred complications, 3 of which were pancreatic pseudocyst, 2 were ARDS, 2 were acute renal failure, 2 were MODS and one was abdominal abscess.

There were 3 case of hydrocele of the scrotum after operation. No of infection, recurrence, chronic pain in the inguinal area, atrophy of testis, or pain during ejaculation occurred.

In three patients the pouch was removed because of severe sepsis after operation and in six early excision was necessary because of infarction.
