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About western food


西餐───Western-style food;关于───about


Club for the two - story Western - style food, coffee and tea dance halls.───会所二层为西餐, 咖啡茶座及歌舞厅.

So you should know the food you eat when eating western-style food.───所以你应该知道你吃的食物时,吃西式食物。

The craft of cooking Western - style food was learned from his mother.───她烹制西餐的手艺是从妈妈那里学来的.

More and more hotels have western-style food services.───越来越多的酒店有西式餐饮服务。

His restaurant has two storeys, sells orthodox western - style food, and most famous as its Pizza.───小店分上下两层, 专营正宗西餐, 尤以比萨最出名.

First of all, the making method of Chinese food is different from Western-style food.───中西方饮食文化差异,你第一个想到的是什么?我们用筷子。

Do you know if hereabout have preferable refectory for Western - style food.───你知道附近有比较好的西餐厅吗?

Having western - style food in the super - big Chinese - style corridor is a unique experience.───在超大的中式长廊里用西餐别具风味.


But here has a simple commonsensible problem: Do Chinese meal and Western-style food have why to part?

Western-style kitchen is open, use equipment dish and the Western-style food that make, such won't cloggy in common and longer equipment dish time housewife and family communicate.

It not only have the Attic of Parisian type with the spacious hall, and open-air wait-and-see alcove , but also have bougie light, country music with Western-style food.
