Zhangfang was quite thin when I last saw him, but he has broadened out a tot.───上次我看见张方时,他非常消瘦,现在却长胖了许多。
Eastern towns like Zhangfang and Xiaohe are typical Hakka towns where pure Hakka tradition are still prevailing.───客家风情比较浓郁是东部的张坊镇和小河乡。
Treasure the Chiang family house explored the arrangement, and then it will they locked on the ZhangFang key after ZhangFang to will code.───宝琦把蒋家家产整理妥当,然后将它们锁于账房后把账房锁匙交给必文。
The morning will Keng peng and all led to ZhangFang, but good report treasure and will was explored the missing;───早上必文率领彭铿与众人前往账房时,却有下人报告宝琦与必正等人失踪;