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People in the village


饔人───People in the village


They are such kind-hearted teachers that people in the village all respect them.───他们都是非常热心的老师,村里的人都尊敬他们。

Most people in the village regarded the man as a fool.───那村子里的大多数人都把那人当成傻子。

The people in the village used to pipe water.───这个村子里的人过去常以管道输送水。

These three people in the village sat down decided to think, "How do we elongate the life of this girl of our village? "───这3个村民坐下来决定说,“我们怎么延长这个女孩在村中的寿命?”

"People in the village are trying to force us to join their religion, " she said. "We will hold out, because it is our right. "───“村民要强迫我们加入他们的宗教,”她说。“我们会坚持下去,因为这是我们的权利。”

Three people in the village where I grew up lived well into their nineties, and I doubt any of them ever entered a gym.───我小时候住的那个村子里,有三个人一直活到了90多岁。我怀疑他们到底有没有进过什么健身馆。


The bus service is a real boon to people in the village.

The people in the village were cooperative; they helped us in every way they could.

There are in round numbers 2,000 people in the village.

I still know quite a lot of people in the village.

All the young people in the village are capable of making mattings with basketry strips.
