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A roll of toilet paper


手纸───Toilet paper;一卷───a reel of


We need sugar, salt, sauce, butter, eggs, rice and toilet paper.───我们需要糖 、 盐 、 酱油 、 奶油 、 蛋 、 米和卫生纸--平常的数量,你该知道.

Then there is no soap, no towels, not even toilet paper.───而且没有肥皂, 没有毛巾, 连手纸也没有.

Check if there is a toilet paper before you sit down.───在坐下去前先检查有没有厕纸.

Sean: I'm so sorry. I know you'd rather shop for hot dogs and toilet paper.───西恩: 我很遗憾. 我知道你比较想去瞎拼热狗和卫生纸.

Bring your own toilet paper.───自备卫生纸。

The toilet paper has used up. Could you give me a new one?───卫生间的纸用完了, 请在给我一桶好 吗 ?

Oh, I must get some toilet paper and some paper napkins.───哦, 我还得买些卫生纸和纸餐巾.

Some threw eggs and toilet paper.───一些人乱扔鸡蛋和手纸.


Will they get recycled toilet paper?

Hide the toilet paper and turn off the water.

Not to mention 20 rolls of toilet paper and five air fresheners.

Whoever had the toilet paper to wear over the weekend must be steamed.

Showers spray everywhere, creating soggy toilet paper and slippery floors.
