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600 km


六百千米───600 km


The Kamphaeng School in Si Sa Ket, nearly 600 km northwest of Bangkok, has over 200 transvestites among its 2, 500 students and many have been asking for a separate toilet.───位于曼谷西北将近600公里的四色菊甘榜中学里,2500名学生中有200多名异装癖者。 他们中大部分都希望能有专用的厕所。

You can literally see the result 1, 000 miles (1, 600 km) west of San Francisco in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a swirling mass of plastic debris twice the size of Texas.───你可以看见这导致的结果就是从圣弗朗西斯科向西1000英里到太平洋有一大片的垃圾,大量的碎片分布相当于德州面积的两倍。

The S-500 is expected to have an extended range of up to 600 km (over 370 miles) and simultaneously engage up to 10 targets.───S - 500预计范围可扩展到600公里(超过370英里),同时拦截10个目标。

Officials deny assertions that the dam and its more than 600-km (370-mile) reservoir might have affected the regional climate.───官方否认大坝极其600km(370英里)水库可能会对区域性气候产生影响的论断。

Yayi Ma volcano is located in Santiago , Chile, more than 600 km to the south, Chile is one of the most active volcano.───亚伊玛火山位于智利首都圣地亚哥以南600多公里处,是智利最活跃的活火山之一。


According to reports, the Libyan Sirte is located along the northern Gulf of Sidra in a port city, is an emerging coastal city about 600 km from the city of Tripoli.

The S-500 is expected to have an extended range of up to 600 km (over 370 miles) and simultaneously engage up to 10 targets.

The Kamphaeng School in Si Sa Ket, nearly 600 km northwest of Bangkok, has over 200 transvestites among its 2, 500 students and many have been asking for a separate toilet.
