3325英语网 英语写法




Card area


插卡───Insert card;区───area


This watch is produced in an edition of 100 pieces, each one numbered on the case back and signed by the designer, Crispin Jones, on the insert card.───这款表在一期中只生产了100块,每个在表背面的编号都是由克里斯宾 琼斯书写。

When we pay for goods, the retailer will insert our small card into a payment terminal and money will be transferred from our card to the retailer's card.───当我们支付所购物品时,零售商将把我们的智能卡插人一个付账终端机中,这时支付的金额就从我们的卡中转移到零售商的卡中。

First you insert the card, then you dial the number.───你要先插卡,然后再拨号码。

We use the same ratio you see on the outside of the box or on your insert card, to produce the correct number of each figure.───我们用跟你所看到的外盒或内卡相同的比率,来生产正确数量的每个塑像。

Customer selected this insert card, pls provide the english translation and we will provide the wording in German.───客户选择了这份插页,请提供英文翻译的文件,我们会提供德文的翻译。


Power unit and switch of insert card shall shut off , and fuses are undamaged and fine.

This watch is produced in an edition of 100 pieces, each one numbered on the case back and signed by the designer, Crispin Jones, on the insert card.

Storage card not found. Insert card or save workbook in main memory.
