He is long
It didn't take her long to make up.───她很快就化妆好了.
It was a long story with many ands.───这故事说来话长,有许多细节.
The long journey tired him.───漫长的旅程使他疲倦。
I was a tired man when the long race was over.───我跑完长跑后疲乏极了.
She had no head for business, and it was not long before she went under.───她没有做生意的头脑, 不久就失败了.
long blades clashed together.───长刀相击铿然作响。
It's strange that the bus has been delayed so long.───真奇怪,汽车竟耽误这么长时间.
Take your ease, for the journey ahead will be long and arduous.───好好休息一下, 前面的路程远而艰难呢.