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Decorative painting


饰画───Decorative painting


In comparison with ordinary painting, decorative painting, whether by design or color has its own uniqueness.───相对于一般油画, 装饰性的油画无论是造型或用色都有其独特之处.

Description: ( frame decorative painting ), fashion, simple, beautiful, good quality and inexpensive, green, home decoration free Imagination!───梦想家居装饰画 ( 无框装饰画 ), 时尚, 简明, 精美, 优质优价, 绿色环保, 家居装饰自由创想!

is a typical imperial-court decorative painting of Song Dynasty.───典型的宋代院体画,是工笔重彩画中的佳作。

The development of science and technology should be the fundamental cause of three - dimensional decorative painting.───科学技术的发展是装饰绘画立体化的根本原因.

Companies to cooperate sincerely with the abstract oil paintings, decorative painting orders.───诚与各公司合作抽象油画, 装饰画定单.

Is a set design, production and sales of professional manufacturers of decorative painting.───是一家集设计、生产、销售于一体的装饰画专业生产厂家。

Decorative painting a clear picture , lifelike, as Reclaimer fine crystal, crystal clear.───装饰画画面清晰 、 栩栩如生, 水晶照取料上乘 、 晶莹剔透.

Not decorative painting are all run color hot wax, was brown, shiny.───不饰彩绘,皆为本色烫蜡, 呈黄褐色, 闪闪发光.


Decorative painting a clear picture , lifelike, as Reclaimer fine crystal, crystal clear.

Decorative painting was introduced to the European countries from the Middle and Far East. The French chinoiserie pieces were decorated in imitation of Chinese art.

Amid the background music "Master Peter's Puppet Show" composed by Manuel de Falla, Spanish cities are presented on a grand decorative painting.
