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Hello everyone, I'm your good friend


好朋友───good friend;大家好───hello everyone


He was a good friend, a dependable companion.───他是个好朋友,一个可以信赖的同伴。

I don't really think of her as a daughter so much as a very good friend.───我其实更多地把她当做好朋友,而不是女儿。

Michael is now merely a good friend.───迈克尔现在只不过是一个好朋友而已。

But you should not say all that you know, and this is part of being a good friend.───但你不该把所有想法都全盘托出,这是作为好友的一种道义。

A new study finds that the animal known as man's best friend can also be a good friend to the heart.───一项新的研究发现动物不仅是人类最好的朋友,也可以是一个心脏的好朋友。

And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than to see the smiling faces of good friend.───如果我们情绪低落或感到孤独,那么没有比看到朋友的笑脸更好的了。


A good book is a good friend.

He is my good friend.

He felt lonely after he buried his good friend.

good seeing you,sky RWS star,one is my heart,want me to look at the stars,when the number of stars such as insomnia,when a meteor,good friend be happy every day.

A good friend is my nearest relation. Thomas Fuller 
