Wear a minimum SPF 15 sunscreen.───使用SPF值至少为15的防晒霜.
Apply sunscreen on your skin 30 minutes before you go outdoors.───要去户外之前30分钟要在皮肤上涂上防晒霜.
The adverse effects seemed to happen only when UV rays sunscreen that had penetrated the skin.───似乎只有当UV射线接触渗入皮肤的防晒剂时,才会引起这些不良反应.
Reapply sunscreen hourly and after swimming.───小时以及游泳后重新抹一次防晒霜。
Sunscreen may do more harm than good if it is not used properly , researchers warn yesterday.───如果防晒用品使用不当, 将会给人造成更大伤害.
Why should you use a sunscreen?───为什么你应该使用防晒油?
Ada: Right, and sunscreen, sunglasses, and maybe a suit up.───艾达: 对喔, 还有防晒乳 、 太阳眼镜, 或许再带泳装罩衫.
Sunscreen. Prevents and heals dry, chapped and sunburned lips.───防晒. 滋润保护双唇,愈合皲裂 、 舒缓晒伤. (编者译,仅供参考)
Sunscreen provides a protective layer against the sun's harmful rays.