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Snow Mountain


雪岳山───Snow Mountain


Our plane is flying over a high snow mountain.───我们的飞机正飞越一座高高的雪山。

Meili Snow Mountain is world - known for its loftiness, magnificence and mysteriousness.───梅里雪山以其巍峨壮丽、神秘莫测闻名于世.

Longmenshan Pengzhou, Qionglai Tiantai Mountain, Xiling Snow Mountain in Dayi.───彭州龙门山, 邛崃天台山, 大邑西岭雪山.

Mountain Park, Atlanta's popular theme park, has ceased making artificial snow for its Coca-Cola Snow Mountain.───石头山公园,亚特兰大的颇受欢迎主题公园,已经停止为可口可乐雪山人工造雪。

How does a trip to snow mountain strike you?───你觉得去雪山旅行怎么样?

He is doing passenger transport business and managing a hostel in Yubeng in Meili Snow Mountain.───自己做着包车的生意,又在雨崩开了一家客栈.

All the rocks are burning, and the great snow mountain and the sky!───所有的岩石在烧,高大的雪山和天空也都烧起来了!

At this time nor at home on roads without snow mountain, transportation cost is low.───此时国内道路无积雪也无山路, 运输成本低廉.


The paper separately does rhetoric de-reading for Flying Fox of Snow Mountain and Norwegian wood, proves the proposition of "narrative as rhetoric" with concrete texts.

But after six sessions at the East India Colorado Heritage Camp, held at Snow Mountain Ranch in Estes Park, Colo., he hopes to travel to India after he graduates from high school next year.

Snow mountain, glacier, conifers, white birch set each other off its beauty.

I felt extraordinary chickenshit by myself when we through the large mountains. All the way, we were ever afraid of the legend of Meili Snow Mountain and Japanese.

At this time nor at home on roads without snow mountain, transportation cost is low.
