We see Cloudscape as a key part of that.───我们看到Cloudscape正是其中的关键部分。
Cloudscape data source and table creation.───Cloudscape数据源和表的创建。
Starting and stopping cloudscape.───启动和停止cloudscape。
The company's first release came a year later, and eventually the product's name was changed to Cloudscape.───公司的第一个发行版在一年之后推出,后来产品的名称变成Cloudscape。
These characteristics make it easy to download Derby applications together with their database or run them from a CD-ROM.───这些特点使得您可以很容易地将Cloudscape应用程序及其数据库一起下载,或从CD-ROM运行它们。
So Cloudscape can also be used as a client-server database, although we expect to see most of the initial usage around Java applications.───因此,虽然我们原本期望看到围绕Java应用程序的大多数初始用法,但实际上Cloudscape还可以用作客户机-服务器数据库。