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I was two years old


两岁───Two years old;我───I


I'm forty-two years old.───我四十二岁了。

He is forty two years old, unmarried, and he lives in a big wooden house on Moonlight Road.───他42岁,未婚,住在月光路上的一所大木屋里。

This horse is two years old.───这匹马两岁口。

One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her mother.───温迪是这样知道的:她两岁的时候,有一天在花园里玩,她摘了一朵花,拿在手里,朝妈妈跑去。

As he knew that the girl was twenty-two years old, he paid for twenty-two roses and asked the florist to send them to the girl the next day.───因为他知道女孩二十二岁了,所以就付了二十二朵玫瑰的钱,让种花人第二天送到女孩那里。

Obviously is just two years old Pleasant and Wolf's old fans, and her mother bought her a set of "Pleasant and the Wolf" CD.───刚两岁的明明已经是喜羊羊和灰太狼的老粉丝了,她让妈妈买了一整套《喜羊羊和灰太狼》光碟。


Abandon a child under two years old is a notifiable offence.

In 1995, Freya is now two years old. Mum still stays at home with Freya everyday. Meanwhile Grandparents also stay in Zhuhai so to take care of the house work.

At two years old, or thereabouts, I was severely judgmental about receiving and bestowing pleasure.

She is, however, only two years old but is often mistaken as being older.

By the time he was two years old his father had gone, his place in Ann Dunham's affections soon replaced by another foreign student at the University of Hawaii, an Indonesian named Lolo.
