3325英语网 英语写法




Don't spray water


喷水───Water spray;别───other


On the platform outside the office, raindrops fall onto the floor, giving out water spray.───办公室外的平台上, 雨点打在地上激起水花.

Fire control devices such as firesystemsystem and foam - water spray extinguishing system are used in this tunnel.───济钢冷轧工程的地下液压站、油库和电气地下室等部位的消防设计采用中低压细水雾灭火系统.

So we decided touse a fine water spray to complement the air.───所以我们决定用水喷雾来弥补空气的缺陷。

Tiburon flying over the blue water, spray shooting out around her.───“蒂勃朗号”帆船乘着强劲的东南风飞驰在蓝色海面上, 溅起了层层浪花.

Smoke movement with water spray is studied by PHOENICS software.───采用PHOENICS软件,研究了大空间建筑水喷淋对烟气控制系统的影响.

Boil water, spray coffee powder and filter coffee automatically.───特性:自动将水煮沸, 并自动喷淋咖啡粉和过滤.

airplanes can take the moisture out of your skin. This Mineral Water Spray is definitely a travel essential.───飞机旅行会让你的皮肤干燥、失去水分。一支矿物水喷雾绝对是旅行必备品。

a water spray mask spring, fog-like networks are like the shadows drowned, only to hear the rushing water sound and gurgling laughter.───水面罩起一个变幻的水花泉,雾也似的网也似的把人影淹没了,只听见哗哗的水响和咯咯的笑声。


On the basis of the test results some conclusions are drawn concerning the influence of compressor interstage water spray on the gas turbine performance.

Corrosion resistance experiment: salt water spray experiment, experiment, sulphur dioxide experiment, nitric acid hydrogen sulphide experiment, etc.

Utilizing chip to control the water spray and temperature, it achieves easy touch control.

Extinguishing media: Water spray, foam dry chemical or carbon dioxide.

The utility model belongs to a new end quench tester, comprising a manipulator, a photoelectric control system, an upper and a lower water tank, a quench water tank, a water spray device, etc.
