Snow and dust
雪无尘───Snow and dust
But the survey did find excessive arsenic content in local Wells, and Greenpeace warns that fine dust pollution might become a problem when the snow has gone.───但是调查确实发现,当地井水中砷的含量增加,而且绿色和平警告说,当积雪消融以后,粉尘污染也许会带来难题。
Such ice cores trap gases, bits of dust, and other chemicals that were present in the snow that fell over Greenland for thousands of years and then became compressed into ice.───这些冰芯将气体、尘埃和其他化学物质封存在格陵兰岛数千年来的积雪中,然后被压缩成冰。
When the star exploded, it sent out a blast wave into the surrounding material, scooping up interstellar dust and gas as it went, like a snow plow.───当这颗恒星爆发的时候,它产生的冲击波向周围扩散,如同一个铲雪犁一般掀起路径上的星际尘埃。
Within 30 to 40 years, two-hour commercial flights will link New York and Tokyo, with planes that "see" through fog, snow and dust.───在30-40年内,能够“看”透雾、雪、和尘埃的飞机从纽约到东京的商业飞机只需两个小时。
The 3000-meter range point shooting rifle could be used in temperature -50 and +50 C. It is firm to rainfall, mud, snow and dust.───3000米点射步枪的适应范围从-50℃到+50℃,适应降雨、泥土、下雪和尘埃等恶劣条件。