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29 days


二十九天───29 days


Only 29 days to go.───还剩29天。

Yes, but that was 29 days ago. Today is the last day.───是啊,可那是29天前的事了,今天是最后一天。

She married Jeremy Thomas in 1994, and the two ended it after only 29 days.───她嫁给杰瑞米·托马斯,29天后离婚。

News of the British-led expedition's triumph on May 29th 1953 reached the world through a report in the London Times four days later.───由英国人带领的远征队在1953年5月29日凯旋而归,他们胜利的消息四天后通过伦敦《时代》的一篇报道传遍世界。

Nevertheless, the video, was uploaded on July 29 five days before the BBC reporter said he saw a similar mystery object.───但是,在这段录像上传到网上5天后,那位BBC记者也说他看到过一个相似的神秘飞行物。

"It did, " said the man. "But that was 29 days ago. Today is the last day. "───男人说:“是啊,可是过去了29天,今天是最后一天。”


Kumi was 29 days old when she was euthanized after it was found she had kidney failure and was in severe pain.

Over 30% hens presented typical broodiness, and the duration of each broody cycle was about 29 days.

Today lunar year in which the last month has 29 days.

This month is a lunar month of only 29 days.

We provide 29 days grace period for domain name renewal after expired.
