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Magnetically Levitated Train


磁悬浮───magnetic suspension;列车───train


This paper deals with magnetic Suspension system and its operating principle and mathematic model set up.───本文介绍了磁悬浮系统的组成以及它的工作原理,建立了数学模型.

Aiming at the nonlinearity of the magnetic suspension system, a nonlinear controller was designed.───针对悬浮系统的非线性特征,设计了一种非线性悬浮控制器。

Based on inductance models, the universal analytical models on synchronously revolving magnetic suspension force were derived.───解析了无轴承电机的通用电感模型, 导出了通用同步速旋转磁悬浮力模型.

A magnetic suspension horizontal vibration bench was designed and studied.───本文设计研究了磁悬浮水平振动工作台.

magnetic suspension horizontal vibration bench was designed and studied.───设计研究了磁悬浮水平振动工作台。

The test system of magnetic suspension thrust bearing is introduced.───介绍了磁悬浮止推轴承实验装置,建立了数学模型.

A model of magnetic suspension forces is built by using 2 D field - circuit coupling and analytical methods.───分别用二维场 — 路耦合法和解析法建立了磁悬浮力模型.

A testing application example of eddy current sensor in a magnetic suspension motor is provided.───给出了涡流传感器对一台无轴承磁悬浮电机系统转子位置检测的应用实例及其结果.


The test system of magnetic suspension thrust bearing is introduced.

This paper deals with magnetic Suspension system and its operating principle and mathematic model set up.

A series of experiments show that the advanced PID controller and the algorithm enable the magnetic suspension disk sheet system to have a better stability and robustness.

This facility uses the comparison calibration, it takes the viscosity gauge of magnetic suspension rotor with stable performance as the first class of transmission standard.

This paper describes the transformation of different coordinate systems by the rotation of coordinate axis combined with the model railway of Shanghai city magnetic suspension train.
