It's impressive
We're glad if our music makes a strong impression, even if it's a negative one.───如果我们的音乐能给人留下深刻的印象,哪怕是负面的印象,我们都会很高兴。
He had apparently been under the impression that a military coup was in progress.───他显然以为一场军事政变正在酝酿中。
His speech strengthens the impression he is the main power in the organization.───他的演讲让人更加确信他才是该组织的主心骨。
She says the artist's impression is an excellent likeness of her abductor.───她说这张模拟画像像极了绑架她的人。
She gives the impression of being very busy.───她给人的印象是特别忙。
He said some sections of the press had lost no opportunity to create the impression that she was guilty.───他说新闻界有部分人不放过任何机会,力图制造她有罪的印象。
Religious dogmas often include strong sexual taboos and can create in children the impression that sex is sinful.───宗教教义中经常包含严格的性禁忌,这会给儿童留下“性是罪恶”的印象。
What I said made practically no impression on him.───我的话对他简直不起作用.