Cultural differences between China and the West
It placed reggae music firmly in the mainstream of world culture.───它使得雷鬼音乐在世界主流文化中占据了不可动摇的一席之地。
In social politics, too, the city's contribution to 20th century thought and culture was no less portentous.───同样从社会政治学上看,城市对20世纪思想、文化的贡献也意义重大。
They adopted western culture, institutions, and even clothing.───他们接受了西方的文化 、 习俗甚至服饰.
China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.───中国需要大量吸收外国的进步文化, 但决不能无批判地兼收并蓄.
This is a culture of cholera germs.───这是培养出的霍乱菌.
Culture is superorganic and superindividual.───文化是超乎形体和个人的.
My mother was ahead of her time. She surrounded me with culture and art.───我母亲思想前卫,给予了我文化和艺术的熏陶。
The intellectual and moral potential of the world's culture must be put at the service of politics.───世界文化潜在的知识和道德力量一定要为政治所用。