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Take a chance


侥幸───A fluke;行崄───Bank risk


Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land dwelling mammals.───它们的身体呈流线型,后肢完全消失,身体上长出了尾片和喷水孔,所有这些特征都无法掩饰它们与陆生哺乳动物之间的亲缘关系。

The whale retained a tail and lacked a fluke, the major means of locomotion in modern cetaceans.───这种鲸保留了尾巴,没有现代水生鲸类动物用于行动的主要部位,尾片。

The discovery was something of a fluke.───这项发现多少有点侥幸。

It wasn't long before he pulled out his geological maps and began trying to quantify the relationship, to see if the link was just a fluke.───不久前他绘制了地质地图,试图确定有多少文明符合这样的地质关联,看看这样的关联是不是只是巧合。

one good set of results can be dismissed as a fluke, but after two or three bumper periods the share turns into a wonder stock.───好看的单期报表或许只能代表一时的好运,但过了一定阶段,该公司的股票就能变成明星股。

Just to see if the Science results were a fluke, I tried a different set of categories: Republicans and Democrats.───为了确定Science结果是否是个意外,我尝试了一组不同的类别:共和(Republican)与民主(Democrat)。


We won the football game by a fluke.

He agreed that the second goal was a fluke.

The discovery was something of a fluke.

The first goal was just a fluke.

This was a fluke, a one-time loophole that has been plugged.
