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Shao Unicom




Unicom's submarine cable and whether there is cooperation?───与联通的海底光缆项目是否有合作意向?

Thanks to the company's increasing third-generation, China Unicom Ltd saw new profits.───由于第三代产品的产量日益增加,中国联通公司看到了新的利润。

China Unicom did not reply to requests for comment.───中国联通未答复置评请求.

No refund or exchange once the'UNICOM EXPRESS'card is purchased.───联通快线'卡一经售出,恕不退换.

Actually, real active power or in UniCom.───其实, 真正的主动权还是在联通.

But Unicom has revealed little about its strategy for the device.───但联通对其在iPhone方面的策略一直透露甚少.

For example, 135 is for the China Mobile Communication Corporation and 188 is for China Unicom.───例如,135代表中国移动通信公司,188代表中国联通。

China Unicom's response to the formation of the terminal end customization.───中国联通组建终端公司顺应了终端定制化的趋势.


Thus, Yan Ping Unicom is expected to this year's target price for 9 yuan.

The reshuffle left China Mobile competing with China Telecom and China Unicom.

Here's how the Unicom end run works: Users buy iPhones from Apple stores in Beijing or Shanghai or at nationwide retailer Suning and get a China Mobile service contract if they don't have one.

Fourth, nanchong unicom company marketing channel mode optimization strategy and implementing measures.

The investment valuation of China Unicom illustrates comparatively systemic process of DCF approach.
