The worker quickly cleared away the dirt that was choking up the chimney.───那工人很快就把塞住烟囱的污垢清除干净了.
Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.───突然她发出了一声低沉、令人窒息的呻吟,身体开始剧烈地抖动。
Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.───浓密的烟雾盘旋翻腾,刺鼻的烟味使她窒息。
Choking back tears, he said Mary died in his arms.───他强忍住泪水,说玛丽死在了他的怀里。
His voice was choking with rage.───他气得声音哽咽。
He was choking on a piece of toast.───他被一块烤面包噎得透不过气来。
The cord pulled tight, choking off Luca's breath.───绳子拉得紧紧的, 把路加勒得透不过气来.
Her face was red and swollen as though she were choking.───她的脸涨得通红,象是噎住了一样.
Food breathed into the windpipe can cause choking.