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Don't come with us


一起走───went together;不要───No


Having taken him home smoothly, the ones that went together are reporters of the radio station.───把他顺利带回了家, 同去的还有电台的记者.

Winckelmann declared that art and freedom went together.───温克尔曼宣称艺术与自由不可分割。

One day, Robin Hood and Little John went together through the forest.───有一天,罗宾汉与小约翰一同在森林里赶路。

We went together back of the cabin.───我们一起来到屋后.

They went together for a few months.───他们相伴了几个月.

She thought the two of us went together.───她认为我们中的两个应该一起去.

In other parts of the world, increasing agricultural productivity and industrialization went together.───在世界其他地区,农业生产率的提高和工业化是同步进行的。

Granny Yinjiao was fetched with a small wooden boat. Qiuqiu went together with her.───银娇奶奶是人家用小木船接去的. 秋秋也随船跟了去.


We went together to Lantau, and travelled on a really hair-raising bus journey to a Buddhist monastery in the mountains.

We helped each other with homework and went together to the Giardino Pubblico when we finished lessons early.

They spoke across the dinner table; they went together to the movies and soda fountains.

Winckelmann declared that art and freedom went together.

She, the Art Teacher and the Math Teacher went together to the funeral.
