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Looking for wild fruit


野果───Wild fruit;寻找───seek


Running our of grain, the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark.───2部队断了粮, 只能靠野果和树皮充饥.

Gorilla leaves, buds, fern, plant root and fibrous bark for food, sometimes eating wild fruit.───大猩猩以树叶 、 嫩芽 、 蕨类 、 块根植物和纤维性树皮为食, 有时也吃野果.

He picked wild fruit for food in the day; in the night, he slept in a mountain col.───这一日他唯有采些野果充饥,晚间便在山坳中胡乱睡了一觉。

Dad wanted to pick wild fruit, but we seek to find, also didn't find a wild fruit.───爸爸想摘野果,可是我们找来找去,也没找到一颗野果。

We catch butterflies, we pick flowers, and we pick wild fruit to eat.───有时候,我们会森林捉蝴蝶 、 摘花 、 摘野果吃.

John in the wilderness eat wild fruit, leaves the hive to drink wild honey.───约翰在旷野常吃野果, 喝点蜂房上留下的野蜂蜜.

At that time we lived on wild fruit.───那时我们靠野果子维持生命.

Wolves are natural enemies of some large animals, such as deer or bison. They also eat rabbits, mice, and wild fruit.───狼是某些大动物的天敌,比如:鹿和野牛。它们也吃兔子、老鼠和野果。


Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation.

The origin of the wild fruit forest was various, including the floristic elements from Angara, Old Arctic, Old Mediterranean, Cathaysian and Xinjiang.

Sugar-coated haws is a traditional Chinese food, it is the string of wild fruit clusters with the bamboo stick dipped after the maltose thin, taffy case of wind quickly harden.

Results showed that the contents of these minerals and vitamins in solanum nigrum were high, therefore, Solanum nigrum is a wild fruit which has a great value in exploitation.
