The scheme was a bad egg.───计划失败了.
He poached an egg for breakfast.───他的早饭是水煮荷包蛋.
He forked an egg onto a piece of bread and folded it into a sandwich.───他用叉子叉了个鸡蛋放在面包上,然后把面包片折起做成了三明治。
She doesn't let him have egg on his face in public.───她没有让他当众出丑.
He is a good egg; I'm sure you will like him once you get to know him.───他是个好人,如果你跟他混熟了, 肯定会喜欢他.
Each recipe specifies the size of egg to be used.───每种菜谱都具体规定了所用鸡蛋的大小。
She was still hiccuping from the egg she had swallowed whole.───刚才一口吞下整个鸡蛋,她现在还在打嗝。
Why do you egg him on to do what you won't do yourself?───你自己不干,为什么撺弄他 呢 ?