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There's always a sense of justice


正义感───sense of justice;总───total


The origin of the sense of justice must be sought in two sentiments other than utility.───正义感的源泉应该到两种情感中去寻找而不是到功利中去寻找.

Old Jolyon's sense of justice had risen, as it were, from bed.───老乔里恩的正义感好象从九泉下升了起来.

My sense of justice was offended.───我的正义感受到了冒犯。

Ifeel men a greater sense of justice and we of mercy.───我觉得男人有更强的正义感,而我们妇女有更强的仁慈感.

The man had a keen sense of justice and fair play.───此人具有强烈的正义感,做事光明磊落.

He appealed to his sense of justice and tried to persuade him to help the homeless.───他激发他的正义感,试图说服他去帮助那些无家可归的人.

My sense of justice was offended.───我的正义感被激了起来。

People who have a sense of justice are completely different from those who don't.───正义者和非正义者之间有着判若鸿沟的区别.


She has a strong sense of justice and fairness.

Bravery, contact with social reality and a sense of justice are the themes of these three extracts.

Kids have a natural sense of justice .

He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness.

Lamentable ob-obscuring of the sense of justice, isolation of law tormenting of the innocent, peaceful, undefended and helpless.
