Helene : Ich bin zu einem nahe gelegenen Kaufhaus gefahren.───你后来去了哪个超级市场?
Mine is located in south home tsui central shaanxi loess plateau between YanHe and NaHe, show, is typical loess plateau landscape.───南家咀矿井位于陕北黄土高原中部,秀延河与南河之间,属典型黄土高原地貌。
NaHe and show YanHe watershed nearly east-west from central through integration area.───南河与秀延河分水岭近东西向从整合区中部通过。
Practicing water resources protection plan in Nahe City───黑龙江省讷河市积极落实水资源保护规划
A few miles outside Idar I found a meadow by the side of the Nahe where I could picnic.