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Water drying


水干───Water drying


gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established.───土壤吸收水分的能力减弱使土壤逐渐变得干燥,导致植被进一步减少,从而建立了一个渐进的地表退化循环。

We want to solve this problem, and we fetch in hot water drying technic for using the sources better.───为了解决这个问题我们引进了热水干燥技术以更好的利用我国的褐煤资源。

The most successful groups of land plants are those that evolved methods of fertilized sex cell dispersal that are independent of water and structures that protest developing embryos from drying out.───最成功的陆生植物群体是那些进化出了受精性细胞散布方法的群体,这些方法不依赖于水和防止发育中的胚胎干涸的结构。

After the water drying, it became into a 1 thousand square kilometers salt basin with the largest reserves of lake salt in the world.───6万年前,这里曾是一个巨大的湖泊,湖水干涸之后,留下了面积达1万平方公里的盐盆地,拥有世界上最大的湖盐储量。

The diuretic effect - the water drying - out effect of caffeine - is just leaving them without any saliva .───受到利尿的影响,水分将会被咖啡因吸收,那样就使得喝咖啡者的口中没有什么唾液了。

After washing by water. drying and activating, the carbon become activated carbon powder.───炭经水洗、干燥和活化得粉状活性炭。


This equipment has the function of the ultrasonic cleaning, spray, the wind shearing water, drying, with net belt continuous transmission, and such the functions.

This equipment has the function of the ultrasonic cleaning, spray, the wind shearing water, drying, with net belt continuous transmission, such the functions.
