3325英语网 英语写法




It was a draw


胜负───Victory or defeat;结果───result


By observing the planning and, I am able to see whether victory or defeat is expected.───筹划不周,而胜利条件不充分, 就肯定失败,更不须要提不筹划会有什么后果.我们根据这些就可看出谁胜谁负.

Seeing dispels the illusion of victory, or defeat, or suffering.───看见驱散了胜利或失败或受苦的虚幻.

No any victory or defeat exists between them, of course any so-called winner side can't show victor attitude for longer couple life.───他们的争吵中不应该有胜负,当然所谓的胜方也不能以一个胜利者的姿态示人。

To bring about victory or defeat a decisive battle between the two armies is necessary.───实现这个胜负,依靠两军的决战.

Victory or defeat, we shall fight to the bitter end.───胜也罢,败也罢, 我们要战斗到底.

themselves, all these provide only the possibility of victory or defeat but do not decide the issue.───仅有这些,还只是有了胜负的可能性,它本身没有分胜负。

They see all decisions in terms of victory or defeat.───所有的决定在他们看来只有胜利和失败之分.

The adoption extent of the medical malpractice report determines the victory or defeat of the case.───对医疗事故技术鉴定报告的采信程度,决定了案件的胜败。


I am not prone to emotional or temperamental reactions in victory or defeat.

To bring about victory or defeat a decisive battle between the two armies is necessary.

Do they augur victory or defeat for the Israelites?

Victory or defeat, we shall fight to the bitter end.
