Life has to go on
日子───days;还要───still more
The gestation period can be anything between 95 and 150 days.───妊娠期从95天至150天不等。
I hate these grey days.───我讨厌这阴沉沉的天气。
A few days earlier he had received a telegram from Lord Lloyd.───几天前,他收到劳埃德勋爵发来的一封电报。
Two days later tragedy struck.───两天后悲剧发生了。
The crew spent two days and nights in their raft.───船员在救生筏上呆了两天两夜。
Just phone in your order three or more days prior to departure.───在出发的三天之前打电话预订即可。
The tweed jacket she wore had seen better days.───她穿的那件粗花呢夹克已经很旧了。
We may all be snowed in here together for days.───我们可能要一起被大雪困在这里好几天。